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Plymouth Church strives to be a generous church, both with both our money and our time. We set aside 10% of our annual pledges for distribution to organizations in the Cleveland metro area and our national and association churches. We also organize and encourage service opportunities within the church, the community, and partner organizations. 

There are many needs in our community. To discern the most effective way to distribute the funds, we have established criteria: 1) the 501c3 organization must be located within or service the Cleveland Metro/Cuyahoga County area, 2) a member of the church is a liaison to the organization, and 3) the grant request is for a specific program, and not for normal operating expenses. There are five areas that the organization and the request must effect as well: 1) education, 2) environment, 3) homeless or disenfranchised, 4) hunger, 5) LGTBQ+ community

We also support the Living Water Association and the UCC National Office with substantial gifts, as well as supporting the scholarship funds of a university our ministers attended. 

This past year, we had $58,946.72 to distribute. 
Here are the organizations we supported: ​

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