We Welcome Children & Families to Plymouth
Children of all ages are always welcomed at Plymouth! Children and youth are encouraged to participate in all parts of church life. We offer many programs and events throughout the year to foster faith development in children and fellowship among our families. We strive to make worship family friendly, and each week you will find Busy Bags filled with quiet toys and Children's Bulletins that will correspond to that day’s scripture reading or special church days. During the school year, Sunday School for children preschool through 8th grade is a time to explore the Bible through scripture verses, stories, songs, games, crafts, and service projects. The first Sunday of every month there will be no Sunday School to give families the opportunity to worship together. Children learn by observing and participating in service as we come together to worship as a community of faith that they too belong in this place. Communion is also served on the first Sunday of the month and all are welcomed to the table.
For our little ones we offer professionally staffed child care in our nursery, also located in the education wing. Caregivers are also welcomed to use the "Comfort Room" located in the balcony of the sanctuary, which is well equipped for families with babies and toddlers and includes a changing table
Plymouth Kids Events and Activities
Movie Nights on the Lawn
Ice Cream Social
Parents Night Out
Children’s Garden & Farmers Market
Bible Sunday
Advent Wreath Building
Sugar Plum
Christmas Pageant
Epiphany Kids Art Show
Children & Youth Sunday
Valentines Cookie Baking
Intergenerational mid-week Lent activities
Jr. Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Family Photos
All Church Picnic
Kids Koncerts
Service Projects
Our Whole Lives
Safe Church Policy
The Children’s and Youth department (C&Y) is charged with making Plymouth a safe place for all youth, children, and C&Y volunteers. Safe Church compliance means we seek to make sure there are satisfactory safeguards in place for any program involving our young people. Safety is at the foremost of our concern for the children and youth of Plymouth Church and we desire to build a church where all people feel safe and cared for.
• Please click here for a list of the rules set in place to make sure Plymouth is a safe place for our children & young people
• Please click here for an activity release form
• Please click here for a form to report a suspected incident of child abuse at Plymouth Church
Junior High Youth Group (6th - 8th graders)
Our 6th-8th Grade Youth Group meets Sunday afternoons and at other times for service projects, fellowship, and fun! Past activities include: community volunteer days, service trips, rock-climbing, lazer-tag, snow-tubing, sporting events, coffeehouse, karaoke and more.
Senior High Youth Group (9th - 12th graders)
Our 9th -12th Grade Youth Group meets regularly for Bible study, service projects, service and learning trips, and fellowship events. Past events include hayrides, Whirlyball, high ropes, skiing, Lock-In nights, movie and game nights, talent shows, “Caffeine and Christ” meetings and more.
Confirmands share a spiritual journey together as they discover the life of faith, both its cost and its joy. The Confirmation Program is available for 9th graders and older youth who have not yet been confirmed. Participants learn about major world religions, Christianity, the United Church of Christ, and Plymouth Church UCC. As part of the year’s activities, each confirmand is paired with a mentor (an adult member of the church) who is willing to share their time, care, and faith through a series of organized get-togethers.
Our Whole Lives
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive sexuality education program designed for youth of different ages. Plymouth offers age-appropriate curriculum for K-1st, 5th-6th, 7th-9th, and 10th-12th on a rotating basis. The curriculum has lively discussion about values, ethics, relationships and more.